TurnOffLights.com Reverses Climate Change Wars (c)(tm)(r) Patent 1976
Who exactly OBJECTS to living in crime free Utopia UNIocracy.org? Now we all re-green MotherEarth for ever !
EnergyONEsafe.org worlds last complete 100% ecology SAFE storage green mining all methods.
DrKeith.org Duncan +1 725-200-7683, Lost Wages: Thomas Haag 828-620-7544, was +1 828-501-6450,
Saves 30 to 75% all energy Value Benefit to We GODS People exceeds $150 Trillion USD cost savings annual.
SolutionSafeWater.org MountainPower.org SmartBreaker.us SmartSmoke.us Patents.
Revolutionary your reduction of almost all world fossil fuels demands to near ZERO by year 2027.
FortuneONE.org sells back $40 Billion USD of all IP patents to all major sharing Corporations.
LaserTunnel.com solves all ECO mining and infrastructure issues forever. No more Strip mining.
All Cold Water Hydro Electricity turbines also direct powers scalable FreeNuclear.org Reverses all mass poverty.
PRIME Command is DELIVER this to PUBLIC, ALL TOP Executives, All Governments and PRESS Today !!
Achieves total UNIocracy.org free Water Air Energy Land, Food, Ownership decentralizes $$ to WE = everyone.
WE GOD's PEOPLE now control and own all ASSETS = Energy, Water, Air, Land, and ALL infrastructure.
ProfitShareHolders.com our worlds ONLY solution set to empower all stock holders = WE ReINVESTALL.com.
(c)(tm)Patents BidOnKeith.com Duncan +1 770-377-2106 ATL SolutionPeace2020@gmail.com TurnOffLightSpace@Gmail.com
Integrity: 20,360 Mar 11, 2025 Old 15,555 May 2, 2023.
UNIocracy.org was procreated by GOD + SaintKeith.com as the only complete perfected divined ordained total replacement methods to Unify all +8.175 billion WE Gods children forever use of my patent IP A.I.
Was 2024 Oct 9. Now online for final WHY GODsendKeith.org Duncan 66 years ago. TO UNIFY all 8.175 billion WE GODS my children forever use of EVOTe.ONE PeaceSUMMIT2020.com part of perfected 0 crime debt free utopia UNIocracy.org as illustrated worldwide at GodsConstitution.org.
Pre flood we were Biltmore Park Asheville NC USA webcasting WHO causes all climate change, now reversed.
Zoom.us/s/5745946793#success Access KEY: 6StaEm, Host Key: 355152
My own $40 Billion USD valued state of art portfolio went extreme years 1972, 1976 NCSU gift shown at perfected BidOnKeith.com, then Norcross GA 1982, 1989, 1996, 9/11 of 2001, 2008, Oct 3, 2011, then Jan 28, 2014, Feb 15 2015 China, Hong Kong, Philippines to Oct 5, 2018, then again return Jan 15, 2021 to 2024 Sept 25 anniversary DuncanClaim.org SolutionMilitary.com when YOU my most beloved people eliminate ALL warlords, ALL criminals roaming freely by PROTECTING my life and commanding recovery of ALL my assets stolen by Duncan Clan, #1 most ManHuntALL.com cyber terrorist ROBERT DEE ROSE, Douglas Vernon Duncan, Sherry/Kyle/Matthew Duncan, murdered Brian Walker, and +140 others including the proof of funds at Keith2022.com. I always commanded total Direct action by each of YOU as I have been modeled by Jesus Christ and King Solomon that shows we are wealthiest highest IQ person of all GODs timeline and have been relentlessly severely persecuted and cyber attacked by everyone tied to murder for hire conspiracies of Norfolk VA USA GOV case 4:11:cr112 by simple Google 'Keith Brent Duncan'.
WHO do you actually TRUST and KNOW to provide us direct safe haven while greatest round-up of all violators of GODsConstitution.org below now occurs universally. We then all live SolutionPeace.org
FreeTransport.us is FreeTRAINS.us Free BUSES, free world transportation that destroys all the mega corporate executives who false think THEY own our GOD loaned natural resources !!. Once WE GODs people have almost free any transportation.
FreeTrains.us -100% free all electric passenger/freight/tug train services worldwide.
FreeBus.us FreeTransport.us -100% free transport all electric bus/battery system.
2024 Jan 10. Once WE GODs people have no corrupt violating leaders, WE own all infrastructure and run manage control everything at only OUR community level. EcologyMining.org procreates all underground 100% green mining providing unlimited extract of fundamental building materials and resource technology to create 10,000's of new communities built on undeveloped mountain and piedmont areas worldwide. Sharing common transport while massive reduction in all long distance transportation of raw materials to other nations and shipping return to point of sales is the most common sense of reduction of all fossil fuels to 5-10% of common world demand. Most Climate Change Polluter warlords just LOVE to claim, "OH just build more electricity plants, more chemical industrial military complex weapons of mass extinction."
With GOD + Keith's most simple complete perfected utopia of UNIocracy.org each of YOU become your very own community level decision making peacekeeping problem solving expert of your very own original expertise worldwide.
-Includes re purposing all 20,000 USA Corporate Aircraft including NetJet.com-
-Basic metaphysics we mastered age 17 shows that most efficient transport systems are shared almost free trains and bus services worldwide. Shipping industry is now revolutionized use of all our patented technology as even air transport is most horrific waste of economic expenses of WE THE PEOPLE, until we all use Ecraft.us and SkyLift.us
Generic current true reality. NO MORE LUCIFER executives or POLYTICKs can scam us out of OUR ability to travel worldwide freely using OUR engineered by Keith Systems. Value exceeds $500 TRILLION USD transfer of all wealth back to greatest places of needs use of ONE Evote.ONE 4 new world universal stabilizing Constitutional Covenant Commandment LAWS known as GODs last testament.
Decentralization of all central authority decision making Corporate Executives AND all Politicians and Government paper pushers results in UNIocracy.org open free trade barter exchange systems WE GODs people own and control at all levels. NO MORE public traded stocks, Stock Options, Corporate Aircraft, Bodyguards, Corporate Bunker mansions, NO more celebrities who brainwash GODs people to BE STUPID PUBLIC ABJECT APATHY IGNORANCE all based on original LUCIFER agenda of GET IT while the getting is BEST all ways and means, including SMASH and GRAB then resulting MARTIAL LAW of World War FIVE.
WHO DO you KNOW right now to command Keith Brent Duncan be put on National TV to answer any question from existing world leaders and Corporte Executives all the way down to the most impoverished slave traded you, my most beloved 7,9 billion GODs children.
This updated Dec 27, 2021 exactly 10 years ago I was forced into Solidary Confinement by Matthew and Kyle Duncan on orders of SHERRY DUNCAN and ROBERT DEE ROSE to threaten my life so THEY would steal ALL of YOUR assets by the old forged altered null and voided Power of Attorney that was cancelled upon our commanded divorce Oct 2009. Same month ROSE testified Forsyth County Judgement 08SC-1345 he was a cyber criinal international terrorist, again repeated when I grilled his ASS and asked WHERE are MY Assets on Aug 23, 2011 Cobb County TPO 11.1.7683 to focus of DuncanClaim.org
Railways once built all infrastructure procreate conceived back in 1830's by steam powered engines. Once diesel powered, now all electric Free Trains can share both passenger and freight existing right of ways. Now all OWNED and Control Managed by WE GODs people of UNIocracy.org no one can ever criminally claim only they own the title to GODs land known as immenient right of way. Now we re-open all the old logging and railway alleys and use LaserTunnel.com to all green ECO mine new tunnels and obtain required rock, iron ore, raw materials and rare earth materials to complete re-building SolutionHousing.org all new mixed use communities directly funded by KEITH DUNCAN CreatorKEITH.com Angel Guardian GIvingPledge.space groups who are worlds last overseers who teach PeaceMaking 5steps.LIFE and use of enforced SolutionManifesto.com
Once we eliminate all fossil fuel electric power plants with MountainPower.org all the criminal ruling elite Executives will be regulated and delegated to teach science technology and economics of Keiths deployed systems to all open public fully funded schools with focus on WorldSchoolFund.org
FreeTrains.us -100% free all electric passenger/freight/tug train services worldwide.
FreeBus.us is FreeTransport.us -most free transport all electric bus/battery system.
-Includes re purposing all 20,000 USA Corporate Aircraft including NetJet.com BRK
FreeBus.us is simple installation of DUAL (ground + Power) overhead wires of electric driven trolleys by converting and building lightweight buses with powerful small electric drive motors and a small 20-30 mile range back up fast charge SolutionBattery.org system for off the grid temporary operations. Second option is HOV lane can have embedded ground rail with bus/truck having variable distance tracking wheel on left side.
This alone solves so many world mega TRILLION USD basic infrastructure issues since most wealthy and midclass citizens NEVER take public transportation for variety of SELF serving interests thinking they MUST have access to their single driver based vehicle at any expense, cost, and convenience. THAT causes most massive traffic jams and personal expenses. Corporate Executives have drivers and everything paid by ProfitShareHOLDERS.com that drains all profits out of OUR CORPORATIONS worldwide.
Morgan Falls Dam in Roswell GA USA supplied most electricity to Termius Atlanta 1910 era with same electric trolley using same GODs direct drive system of EVOTE.ONE.
Once everyone sees reality of WHO are the LUCIFERS who control all apects of our infrastructure incluiding all our banks, stock market trades, even criminals who track our GPS activities at all levels, THEN we GODs people overthrow all criminal terrorists forever and take charge to decide our own current present reality and destiny fate once and forall using GODs technology.
Updated and re procreated Feb June 12, 2022 by CreatorKeith.com Duncan.
FreeTrains.us is worlds last 100% free passenger and freight system that also eliminates Fossil Fuel energy wars caused by (watch this CO-PIRATE Corporate) Executives and Banksters worldwide who CONTROL the laws (lawmakers) of all governments agencies. WHY DO my PEOPLE not deal (attack) the root issues of WHO are the criminals and terrorists who roam freely? Simple; Most have no clue so KEITH provided all the solution Methods of GODs to arrive at each final conclusion always driven by MASS PUBLICITY by YOU GODS people.
Reference: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2013/jun/10/truth-richard-branson-virgin-rail-profits?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other about Richard Branson bilking the British taxpayers by controlling all aspects of the primary railroad systems. Keiths system reverses these crimes against each of you.
Shows how mega Billionaires are BILKing the taxpayers because THEY pre-select buy the Politicians with campaign contributions and lobbyists to pay off back the same Corporates of the HIGH C-Corporate who never pay their fair share. Why and how would ?they? control all flow of our information? NOW PREVENTED by decentralizing all the most wealthy with ProfitShareHolders.com and exiling any idiot leader who refuses to pen up their general ledger books and safety deposit accounts to SHOW they legally acquired and paid taxes and reported everything. Most of GOds wealth adn assets have been pirated past 5500 years MLM style.
Now all new high speed passenger, freight, and even small self contained electric tugs are Powered by + unlimited 100 TerraWatts of Free Electricity from thousands of easy to construct Water H20 based turbines using the massive new grid pattern of LaserTunnel.com that builds thousands of huge internal Mountain water tanks of SolutionSafeWater.org. The new tunnels are under our cities with focus on cutting direct point to point transmission tunnels through any mountain range. Continental divides now are not a barrier for moving massive water from one side to the other. Free fiber optic cables, Communications, electrical conduits, and huge underground caverns are now used to bury unwanted waste and transfer of toxic landfills since most Mountains are like STONE MOUNTAIN GA solid rock that also contains huge amounts of iron ore and other command and rare elements required to direct build SolutionHousing.org and all free mixed used communities funded by the 70%-80% of retired Corporate Executives use of ProfitShareHolders.com
ProphetKeith.com was clearly SENT by GOD some 63 man years ago to arrive at today July 9, 2021
We gave pledged signed gift of $400,000 USD to President Mrs. Suzie at Duluth GA Historical Train museum Association this morning.
We are now at Gwinnett County Clerk office Magistrate judges filing the first SIX of hundreds of lawsuits tied to WhereIsRobertRose.com since no honest lawyer, judge, FBi, POLICE, IRS, AG, MILITARY, or others have EVER been found to do the same. RECOVER KEITH's stolen fortune and command Press Conferences be held of
PeaceSummit2020.com using KeithsRulesOfOrder.com
This is the briefest broadcast to each of you( Humanity) we have ever made.
Keith Duncan